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This website was created by Rob Mannino

Benefits and Value of Membership


The SAFER PA collaborative organization establishes the foundation for a disciplined research program by pulling together stakeholders, funding and technical capabilities to address shale development’s toughest challenges.


This is a targeted shale research program focused solely on Pennsylvania shale development challenges, with anticipated funding of six or more annual projects awarded to qualified performers under a request-for-proposal process.

Substantial funding leverage creates greater research impact. The leverage for member investment is anticipated to be more than 100x relative to total program funding.


The program serves as a venue to proactively engage stakeholders and generate independent science to help fill the gap between environmental and industry constituents.


Results and deliverables from the program will include analysis of data and processes; identification of technical and process solutions; advancement of technologies leading to commercialization; validation of technologies; and communication of research findings to stakeholders.


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